Following from the belief that all of life originates from an eternal, unchangeable truth, such truth would inevitably find expression across human societies over the millennia. Through careful analysis, synthesis, and distillation of ideas and beliefs found in psychology, religion, and philosophy, it may be possible to not only glean deep insight into the human condition, but also aspects of a greater truth.

Life and Depth seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful discussion in service of illuminating the process of life and the human condition.

Anthony P Winning, Founder.

Anthony P Winning, PhD
Anthony P Winning, PhD

About Anthony

Innately curious about the process of life, and what it means to be human, Anthony left a comfortable yet unsatisfying career in the corporate world to study psychology at Macquarie University. He completed Doctor of Philosophy, examining life and the human condition through exploring psychology, religion, and philosophy. Despite years of study, contemplation and introspection, Anthony feels that the process of life is fundamentally mysterious, and wonders if it is something that can ever be truly understood. He currently resides in New Zealand, and is regularly in Sydney, Australia.

Arianna Heartfield
Arianna Heartfield

About Arianna

Working for a number of years at such distinguished venues as Abbey Road Studios, as well as on major media productions in Oceania, Arianna's keen sense of organisation and people skills allow her to keep our media production running smoothly. Whether it is identifying opportunities for collaboration, co-ordinating people and resourcing, or helping to facilitate speaking events, Arianna's friendly nature and warmth is a constant presence.

Yunfan Yang
Yunfan Yang
Community Support Manager

About Yunfan

Coming from a background as an allied healthcare professional, Yunfan has a natural disposition to help others, as well as a well-practised ability to listen. These qualities have made her the perfect person to provide support and assistance to members of the Life and Depth community. Whenever a problem or challenge arises, Yunfan is ready to lend a helping hand.

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